If you’re taking your boat out of storage this spring, it’s a good opportunity to prepare an insurance checklist. This checklist will help you choose the right insurance products for your personal watercraft.
Insurance Checklist
Using an insurance checklist will prevent you from overlooking boating materials that you’d like to include in your boat insurance policy. The checklist can also address defective materials, cosmetic flaws, and other issues you’d like to resolve before upgrading your boat insurance policy.
The insurance checklist is a tool that will help you ensure that your boat has the level of protection it needs while it’s actively being used or dry-docked.
Personalized Records
Retrieve any personalized records that pertain to the upkeep of your boat. If you’ve purchased materials to repair or upgrade your boat, use the receipts and other records to assist with determining the value of any boating materials you’d like to add to your boat insurance policy.
Boat Interior and Exterior
Inspect the boat’s interior and exterior. During the inspection, consider which items are of value. The materials your boat is made of, the furnishings on your boat, and the personal items you use when aboard your boat can be added to your boat insurance policy. Any items of value should be added to your insurance checklist.
Mechanical Items
Inspect the mechanical items installed in your boat. Include expensive materials that would be difficult to replace on your insurance checklist.
A Consultation With One Of Our Insurance Agents
Contact one of our agents serving Pinecrest, FL to assist with upgrading your boat insurance policy. An agent from Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. will help you.