If you have a home and at least one vehicle, you likely have insurance policies on both. When you have both of these policies, you might need to get an umbrella insurance policy to complement those policies. It works with them to raise your level of protection. If you want better protection for your home and vehicle, contact us at Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. in Pinecrest, FL to learn more.
Liability Coverage
Umbrella insurance is a large amount of liability insurance that you can add to your other policies. If your home and auto policies already have liability coverage, why do you need to get an umbrella policy? This is because there is typically not enough liability coverage in home and auto policies to pay for a serious accident. A serious accident could mean extensive medical bills that easily go beyond your liability coverage. When you add to this coverage with an umbrella policy, you’re in a much better position if the accident is expensive.
How It Works
First, your home or auto policy comes in after an accident to pay for the costs for which you’re liable. If the amount of liability insurance isn’t enough to pay them all, you’ll have overages that still need to be paid. If you have umbrella insurance, this comes in next to pay off those overages. Umbrella policies have enormous payout maximums, so you won’t have to worry about them not covering even very high expenses. This can save you from serious financial liabilities after a major accident.
Get Umbrella Insurance
You need an umbrella policy to protect yourself against liability overages. To get started with one, contact us at Hamilton Fox & Company Inc. in Pinecrest, FL.